Our Mission
provide scientific and technical support to the African countries for the implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction agenda in Africa. The Af-STAG, in a short-term will support generation of data and analyses, scientific and technical information for effective implementation of Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030, and the Agenda 2063.
Mandate and scope
- The Af-STAG will strengthen evidence-based decision making. The specific role and responsibilities include:
1. Advise on scientific research, periodic assessments and innovation on disaster risk reduction;
2. Promote dissemination of risk information with the best use of geospatial information technology and Earth Observation Data;
3. Offer guidelines on standard Operating Procedures in implementation of the New PoA Matrix and other DRR continental processes.
4. Provide guidance on methodologies and standards for risk assessments, disaster risk modelling and the collection, interpretation, analysis and use of the data;
5. Provide guidance on capacity building for contextually appropriate, integrated disaster risk scholarship and as well as for the strengthened application of disaster risk (reduction) science in policy and practice.
6. Catalyse innovation and partnerships to generate new knowledge on disasters and climate risk
7. Ensure links of regional results and priorities to the global level and disseminate products as appropriate using individual networks and other relevant constituencies.
8. Provide inputs to and assessment of the Africa DRR Status report and its contribution to GAR;
9. Work with AUC and other AU specialized agencies, including the to-be established Africa Centre for Disaster Risk Reduction, to identify research and technology gaps and set recommendations for research priority areas in disaster risk reduction.
10. Participate in missions of expertise, consultation and advice for the benefit of Member States, RECs, public and private organizations in disaster risk reduction;
11. Contribute to the dynamic progress of science and technology, their teaching and their applications in disaster risk reduction;
12. Work for the dissemination of scientific and technical disaster risk science culture by bringing science and technology closer to society by means of appropriate media;
13. Carry out scientific and technological monitoring and alert missions by identifying problems related to developments and mutations in the fields of disaster risk reduction and management.
14. Participate in disaster risk reduction scientific debates on major sustainable development topical issues;
15. Intensify organization of meetings between researchers, policy and decision makers, economic operators, and parliamentarians, aimed at encouraging interactions between the world of science and technology and Member States, RECs, and all stakeholders in the field of disaster risk management.
16. Mobilize African research excellence to advance the African Union Commission Disaster Risk Reduction agenda.
17. Build and sustain a continental disaster risk reduction-policy nexus;
18. Promote dialogue and provide voice of the disaster risk reduction community that expresses continental excellence;
19. Elaborate strategies and means to bridge the gap between disaster risk science and policy;
20. Foster intra-Africa and international collaboration in disaster risk reduction;
21. Contribute to the development of best practices guide in the areas of Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa context
22. Promote action-oriented multi-disciplinary research and enhance the dissemination of best practices of science, and technology for evidence based DRR decision making;
23. Enhance disaster risk reduction education in schools and promote university-based professionalization and trainings to ensuring human resource development in the DRR field
24. Strengthen regional DRR networking among the science, research, academia, civil society and policy-makers;
25. Develop a road map for standardized information and data documentation and analysis procedures, guidelines and frameworks for integrated and effective disaster risk management, sustainable development and climate adaptation.